A “Moderate” Speaks

What do you think caused the war ?
I think that it has a lot to do with Soviet
expansionism, especially as practiced by
Fidel Castro, which seeks a Marxist take-
over by force of arms. And they justify it by
citing the social problems that plagued the
country back in the 1970s.
Do you mean that there were indeed do-
mestic causes?
During the previous decade people took
part in street demonstrations for socioeco-
nomic reasons. Social problems are now
being used as an excuse so that the Marx-
ists can take power.
Is the military is on the right track?
I think we’re moving too slow. The cur-
rent strategy does indeed have to be reas-
sessed, because it is not working. We need
suitable strategies, not experiments. Politi-
cal and military pacification is essential.
How are relations with the United States
being handled?
The current Salvadoran government has
fallen into extreme dependency. The United
States, we must admit, has been a generous
friend. However, Washington has to realize
that what El Salvador wants are Salvadoran
solutions. We shouldn’t be carrying out
experiments designed elsewhere.
What can you tell us about there being two
factions in ARENA, one favoring civilian
rule and another more militaristic one?
In 1985 ARENA decided to open its
doors to wide-ranging participation. It
stands to reason that there can always be
minor differences. Several viewpoints
emerge on various issues, but not in the
sense of one line and another. This is sim-
ply Christian Democratic propaganda.
Moreover, nowhere can two people agree
completely on everything all the time. There
are always minor differences.
Word has it that you were selected as the
ARENA candidate because your personal
image helps the party.
Yes, I think it is correct that Major
Roberto D’Aubuisson has not enjoyed a
good image. This is due to what has been
unjustly said about him, though nothing has
been proven about him up to now. Of
course, now that I’m ARENA’s presiden-
tial candidate, nothing has been invented
about me yet. Foreign journalists have been
more objective, and that is one reason why
I have been better received than Major
*From Proceso (Mexico) Sept. 5, 1988.