Critiquing Maduro from the Left

Critiquing Maduro from the Left

harsh all-encompassing criticism of the government is originating not only from the right side of the political spectrum
A Threatened Peace

A Threatened Peace

the San Salvador stadium quickly filled with people dressed in white and sporting their finest guayaberas (traditionally embroidered Latin-American dress shirts)—a symbolic gesture of peace for the commemoration of the 25thanniversary
"Don't Throw the Sofa out the Window" Discussing Protests in Cuba

“Don’t Throw the Sofa out the Window” Discussing Protests in Cuba

Viewpoint: Refusing to accept the complexity and plural nature of protests in Cuba means giving away half the playing field to the most reactionary opposition. 
Oscar López Rivera at the Puerto Rican Day Parade

Oscar López Rivera at the Puerto Rican Day Parade

a counter-discourse to establishment media's outrage began to emerge in the press and on social media in the days leading up to the parade. Community activists
"They Have Blood on Their Hands"

“They Have Blood on Their Hands”

Megadam projects like Agua Zarco expropriate land, spoil environments, and pollute democracies. Berta Cáceres gave her life resisting them.
"Heaven and Earth Don't Belong to the Companies"

“Heaven and Earth Don’t Belong to the Companies”

An interview with Lenca activist Pascuala Vásquez on the legacy of Berta Cáceres and the defense of indigenous territories and culture in Honduras.


Retrospective (Review)

Retrospective (Review)

Juan Gabriel Vásquez's latest novel-biography tells the extraordinary life of the Colombian guerrillero-turned-filmmaker Sergio Cabrera.
Gangsters of Capitalism (Review)

Gangsters of Capitalism (Review)

Jonathan Katz's book about the career of a decorated Marine turned critic attests to the symbiotic relationship between militarism and U.S. commercial expansion.
Argentina 1985: The Revival of Democracy (Review)

Argentina 1985: The Revival of Democracy (Review)

Santiago Mitre's feature film about holding the perpetrators of dictatorship accountable in Argentina humanizes a pivotal moment in Latin American—and world—history.
Rural Communities and the Making of Modern Peru (Review)

Rural Communities and the Making of Modern Peru (Review)

In his new book, historian Javier Puente chronicles how rural communities in the Andean highlands played a key role in the making of state power in twentieth-century Peru.

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NACLA Report on the Americas

Apruebo por Chile: Charting a Future in the Aftermath of Defeat

Winter 2020 Vol 54 NO.4

This issue of NACLA Report seeks to examine the social, political, and economic landscape in Chile as it navigates the waves of more than three years of social and political conflict. In the wake of the Rechazo vote, this issue created a space for scholars and activists to think through both the recent past and future as various sectors of the Chilean Left begin to chart a new course forward. Essays authored by leading scholar-activists engage the questions of “what went wrong” and “what comes next” head on.

Read the full editor’s introduction and explore more from this issue.



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