NACLA Expansion: New West Coast Office

In January, 1970, five staff members moved to the Bay Area of California to establish a
second NACLA office. This is part of an expansion that the organization hopes will tap
additional resources, broaden NACLA’s base and contacts with the domestic movement and
make the organization’s skills and resources available to a wider constituency.
Both the New York and California offices will continue to share responsibilities in pub-
lishing the Newsletter, raising funds and distributing literature produced by the organ-
ization. Both offices will continue to produce research and analyses on U.S. penetra-
tion and power in Latin America and will maintain this as the Newsletter’s primary focus.
At the same time, the staffs will move further in the direction of relating their re-
search to domestic issues and struggles
Though the organization has been preparing for this expansion over the last six months,
we greatly underestimated the tremendous costs involved in 1) duplicating the bulk of
NACLA’s data base and research materials; and 2) moving to larger offices (in Califor-
nia and New York) — offices whose facilities we intend to make more readily accessible
to our constituency than has been possible in the past.
So we are appealing for a little help from our friends. $4 from each subscriber would
cover our deficit. Those of you who can afford more, please overfulfill the quota to
cover those who can’t. Those who can’t afford $4, send what you can. Please send the
contributions of support to either of the following addresses:
Box 57, Cathedral Station Box 226
New York, New York 10025 Berkeley, California 94701
Many thanks to those of you who have already sent us checks for the expansion.
The NACLA staff.