New Publications of Interest

The following list of new publications is intended to aid our readers in keeping up with the rapidly
expanding volume of reports, books and documents currently being published. The focus is on Latin
America, though the list also includes references on foreign aid and investment in general and on
the U.S. military, political and economic power structure — all of which we have traditionally covered
in this Report. This is the first such listing to appear in the Report and it includes publications
from the past year. We plan to make this a regular feature of the Report appearing several times
each year.
This is in no way a comprehensive list; rather it reflects the most useful publications sent to us
as review copies by organizations and commercial publishers, as well as titles we have come across in
research and in contacts with movement groups. Should you wish to suggest a publication for listing,
please send a copy (and if possible a brief description,including price) to both NACLA offices (Box
226, Berkeley, CA 94701; and Box 57, Cathedral Stn., NYC. 10025). Also, if you know of titles to be
listed which we may not know about or have omitted, please inform us.
With few exceptions, we have omitted all books mentioned in the recently published Latin America
Review of Books. This 224 page paperback edited by Colin Harding and Christopher Roper is the most
comprehensive review and listing available of recent (last two years) books on Latin American politi-
cal, economic and social issues and we highly recommend it to our readers. (Available for $2.95
plus $2 air mail postage from Latin America Review of Books, Ltd., 84 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, England.)
Also omitted, with few exceptions, are titles mentioned in past issues of the Report, in NACLA’s
Bibliography on Latin America ($1.25 including postage) and in forthcoming NACLA methodology guides
and source lists on specific areas of interest (to be announced in the Report when available).
Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America: Five
Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, Trans. by
Cedric Belfrage, Monthly Review, NYC, 1973, 352 pp.
$8.95. A Masterpiece.
James Petras, Editor, Latin America: From Dependence
to Revolution, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1973, 274 pp.
Valuable collection of essays focusing on contempo-
rary Brazil and Chile from a radical point of view.
The following packets on Latin America are useful
collections of material for popular education. They
contain documents, articles, speeches, chronologies,
action suggestions, bibliographies and other resource
* Third World File: Latin America Speaks, Development
Education Center, 200 Bedford Park Rd., Toronto 180,
Ontario, Canada $2.50
* La Lucha: Contemporary Issues in Latin America,
Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY 10545.
* Puerto Rico: Showcase of Oppression, Latin American
Publication Service, Box 12056, Mid City Stn., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20005.
* Chile: Unmasking Development, COFFLA, 1500 Farragut
St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20011, $2.50
* Dominican Republic: Oppression & Struggle, EPICA,
1500 Farragut St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011, $2.
Ron Chilcote & Joel Edelstein, Editors, Latin America:
The Struggle with Dependency and Beyond, A. Shenkman
Pub. Co., Boston, 1973 (forthcoming in cloth and paper)
New college level text on the political economy of
underdevelopment in seven Latin American countries:
Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina
and Brazil.
Kenneth Johnson &.Maria Mercedes Fuentes,Politica de
Poder: La Participaci6n Politica en America Latina,
Ediciones IDELA, Casilla de Correo 601, Correo Central,
Buenos Aires, 1972, 300 pp.,$2 individuals & $3 insti-
tutions.via air mail only.
David Barkin, Editor, Los Beneficiarios del Desarrollo
Regional, Sep Setentas, Sur 124 Num. 3006, Mexico 13,
DF, 1972, 189 pp. How capitalist development leads to
uneven internal development,with Mexico as the example.
Seymour Menton, James Nelson Goodsell, Susanne Jonas
(Bodenheimer), Ad Hoc Committee on Guatemala, Report,
April 15, 1973, Latin American Studies Assn., Box
13362, University Stn., Gainesville, Fla. 32604, 21
pp. Background to current repression in Guatemala. $1
Panama Canal Zone: Occupied Territory, EPICA, 1500
Farragut St. NW, Washington, DC 20011, 1973, 52 pp.
Aimed particularly at a church audience.
This great people has said “enough” and has begun to move:
Poems from the Struggle in Latin America, Peoples Press,
968 Valencia, San Francisco, CA 94110, 1973, 38 pp. 50c.
Philip S. Foner, The Spanish-Cuban-American War & The
Birth of American Imperialism, 2 Vols., Monthly Review
Press, NYC, 1972, 716 pp.
David Barkin & Nina Manitzas, Editors, Cuba: Camino
Abierto, Siglo XXI, Mexico, 1973, 343 pp. An analysis
of the Cuban revolutionary process.
Maurice Halperin, The Rise & Decline of Fidel Castro,
Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1973, 392 pp.,
Carlos Maria Gutierrez, The Dominican Republic:
Rebellion and Repression, Trans. by Richard Edwards,
Monthly Review Press, NYC, 1973, 172 pp., $6.95. A
Marxist account of developments in the Dominican
revolutionary movement since 1965 by a Uruguayan
Stacey H. Widdicombe, The Performance of Industrial
Development Corporations, Praeger, NYC, 1972, 418 pp.- 30 –
Jose Consuegra, Como se reprime la universidad en
Colombia: Informe a la comunidad de la Universidad del
Atlintico, Ediciones Perija, Barranquilla, March 1973,
187 pp.
David Morris, We Must Make Haste – Slowly: The Process
of Revolution in Chile, Random House, NY, 1973, 307 pp.
Dale Johnson, Editor, The Chilean Road to Socialism,
Doubleday-Anchor, NY, 1973, 546 pp., $2.95
James Petras & Hugo Zemelman Merino, Peasants in Revolt:
A Chilean Case Study 1965-1971, Univ. of Texas Press,
Austin, 1972, 154 pp., $6.50
Report on Allegations of Torture in Brazil, Amnesty Intl.,
53 Theobald’s Rd., London WCIX 8SP, 1972, 90 pp. A
thorough report detailing cases and naming names.
Paquita Viv6, Latin America: A Selected List of Sources,
Latin America Service, 1242 National Press Bldg., Wash.
DC 20004, October 1972, $3. A helpful resource list.
International Directory for Educational Liaison, Over-
seas Liaison Committee, American Council on Education,
One Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036, 1973, 474 pp.
Useful annotated guide to wide variety of institutions
related to education in the Third World, including
foundations, research centers, universities.
Andre Gunder Frank, Lumpenbourgeoisie and Lumpendeve-
lopment: Dependency, Class & Politics in Latin America 2
Trans. by Marion Davis Berdecio, Monthly Review Press,
NY, 1973, 151 pp., $6.
Frank Bonilla and Robert Girling, Editors, Structures
of Dependency, Nairobi Bookstore, 1621 Bay Road, East
Palo Alto, CA, (Distributors), 1972, 262 pp., $2.
A collection of 15 articles by a multinational group of
researchers working on the international and domestic
consequences of imperialism.
Theotonio dos Santos, Socialismo o Fascismo: el nuevo
caracter de la dependencia y el dilema latinoamericano,
Ediciones Prensa Latinoamericana, Root 537, Santiago,
Chile, 1972, 344 pp.
Dependencia y Estructura de Clase en Amorica Latina,
Documentos presentados en el IV Seminario Latinoamerica-
no del CETIM, Abril de 1972, Centre Europe Tiers Monde,
27 Chemin des Crets-de-Pregny, CH 1218 Grand-Saconnex,
Geneva, October 1972, 458 pp (in Spanish, English,
French and Portuguese).
Hugo Assmann, Editor, Pueblo Oprimido, Sefior de la
Historia, Tierra Nueva, Casilla de Correo 20, Montevideo,
1972, 270 pp. Essays on the theology of liberation.
Maurice Zeitlin, Editor, Father Camilo Torres: Revolu-
tionary Writings, Harper Colophon Books, NY, 1972, 369 pp., $2.95
Dorinda Moreno, Editor, La Mujer — En Pie de Lucha,
Espina del Norte Publications, 69 Campus Circle, San
Francisco, CA 94132, 1973, 301 pp., $7.
Third World Women, Third World Communications, P.O.
Box 1959, San Francisco, CA , 1972, 185 pp.
Bonnie Mass, The Political Economy of Population Control in Latin America, Editions Latin America, P.O.
Box 218, Stn. N, Montreal 129 Quebec (also distributed
by LAWG, Box 6300 Stn. A, Toronto 1, Ontario), 63 pp.
William Rich, Smaller Families Through Social and
Economic Progress, Overseas Development Council, Suite
501, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20036,
January 1973, 73 pp. The most recent thinking of
liberal policymakers on population control.
Manuel Quintin Lame, Edited by Gonzalo Castillo C.,
Las luchas del indio que baj6 de la montafia al valle
de la “civilizaci6n”, Comitd de Defensa del Indio,
BogotA, 1973, 86 pp. (Available from Rosca de Investi-
gaci6n y Acci6n Social, Apartado Aireo 51012, Bogota, 2.
Lucien Godard, Green Hell: Massacre of the Brazilian
Indians, Outerbridge & Dienstrey, NY, 1972, 291 pp. $8.95
The International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs
(IWGIA) has begun publishing a valuable series of pam-
phlets documenting the current situation of oppressed
indigenous groups. IWGIA plans to publish 8 such
reports a year. ($5 individuals, $8 institutions). Write
to IWGIA for a literature list: Frederiksholms Kanal 4A,
DK 1220 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Beatrice Bishop Berle & Travis Beal Jacobs, Editors,
Navigating the Rapids 1918-1971: From the Papers of
Adolf A. Berle, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NY, 1973,
859 pp., $18.50. A quarry of information written mainly
from the diary of a man who played a key role in shaping
U.S. policy toward Latin America from FDR to JFK.
R. Harris Smith, OSS: The Secret History of America’s
First Central Intelligence Agency, Univ. of California
Press, Berkeley, 1972, 458 pp.
Joseph Grunwald, Miguel Wionczek & Martin Carnoy,
Latin American Economic Integration & U.S.Policy,
Brookings Instn., Washington, DC, 1972, 216 pp. $6.95
Robert E. Hunter, The United States and the Developing
World: Agenda for Action, Overseas Development Council,
1717 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC 20036, Feb.
1973, 164 pp., $2.50. The corporate liberal elite’s
prescription for U.S. policy toward the Third World;
useful charts and tables; bibliography.
Economic Report of the President (Transmitted to Congress
January 1973; includes Annual Report of the Council of
Economic Advisors), U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington DC 20402, 301 pp., $2.35. Much useful aggre-
gate data on employment, production, public debt, profits.
The following publications are a product of the rising
debate on multinational corporations and their effects
on the domestic economy, employment and the balance of
payments (iseues raised in the Burke Hartke Bill):
* Implications of Multinational Firms for World Trade
and Investment and for U.S. Trade and Labor, Subcommittee
on International Trade of the Committee on Finance, U.S.
Senate, 1973 (Available from USGPO, Washington DC, 20402
for $9.25, stock # 5270-01708) 930 pp.- 31 –
* Multinational Corporations, A compendium of Papers
Submitted to the Subcommittee on Intl. Trade of the
Committee on Finance of the U.S. Senate, Feb. 21, 1973
(Available free from Committee on Finance, Rm. 2227,
Dirksen Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510). Mainly state-
ments by major multinational corporations; much useful
* Role of Giant Corporations in the American & World
Economies, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Monopoly
of the Select Committee on Small Business, U.S. Senate
(held between July 9, 1969 and August 7, 1972), 1973,
9 vols. (Available from USGPO, Washington, D.C. 20402)
* The Relationship Between Multinational Corporations
and Social Policy, Working Paper prepared by the Intl.
Labor Office (ILO) for the Meeting on the Relationship
between Multinational Corporations and Social Policy,
Geneva, October 26-November 4, 1972, 94 pp.
* Mitch Zimmerman & United Front Press Staff, Inter- national Runaway Shop: Why U.S. Companies are Moving
their Plants Abroad, United Front Press, P.O. Box 40099,
San Francisco, CA 94140, December 1972,-48 pp. $.40
* Union Carbide’s International Investment Benefits
the U.S. Economy, Union Carbide Corp., 270 Park Ave.,
NYC 10017, October 1972, 93 pp. free. In the process
of defending its foreign investment the company provides
much useful data.
Pierre Jalee, Imperialism in the Seventies, The Third
Press, Joseph Okpaku Pubg. Co., NY, 1972, 226 pp., $7.95.
Alan Wells, Picture Tube Imperialism, Orbis, Maryknoll,
NY, 1972. U.S. control of TV in Latin America and
cultural imperialism.
Ariel Dorfman & Armand Mattelart, Para leer el pato
Donald, Siglo XXI, Argentina, 1972, 160 pp. On cultural
The two volumes (over 600 pages) of background papers
for the American Bar Association’s May 4-5, 1973
National Institute on “Current Legal Aspects of Doing
Business in Latin America” are available for $20 from
the Circulation Dept., American Bar Assn., 1155 East
60th St., Chicago, IL 60637 (Availability of the conference transcript will be announced later). A high-
powered brainstorming session on “The New Challenge of
Latin American Nationalism to Foreign Investment”.
Juan Francisco de Le 6 n, Enfoque clacista del problema
petrolero venezolano, Fondo Editorial Salvador de la
Plaza, Caracas, 1972, 72 pp.
Chile vs. the Corporations: A Call for Canadian Support,
LAWG, Box 6300, Stn A, Toronto 1, Ontario and DEC, 200
Bedford Rd. Toronto, Ontario, 1972, 56 pp., $.50. Out-
lines the current conflict between Chile and the MNC’s.
The International Telephone & Telegraph Co. & Chile
1970-71, Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations,
U.S. Senate by the Subcommittee on Multinational Corpo-
rations, June 21, 1973, 20 pp. Free.
ITT-CIA Subversion in Chile: A Case Study in U.S.
Corporate Intrigue in the Third World, Bertrand Russell
Peace Foundation, Gamble St., Forest Road West, Notting-
ham, NGT 4ET, England, 1972, 114 pp. $2.50. The com-
plete ITT documents with a 23 page introduction.
Paul Griffith Garland, Doing Business in and with Brazil,
Banco Lar Brasileiro, Sgo Paulo, 1972, 221 pp. (Free on
request from Intl. Dept., Chase Manhattan Bank, 1 Chase
Manhattan Plaza, NYC 10015). A detailed guide for the
prospective investor. Includes 138 page appendix of
annotated English translations of Brazilian decrees
affecting investment. (Banco Lar is a Chase affiliate).
“The Brascan File” reprinted from Last Post (Canada, Feb.
1973), 12 pp. (Available from LAWG, P.O. Box 6300, Stn.
A, Toronto, Ontario). Focuses on the largest private
foreign investor in Brazil, Brascan: its relations with
the Canadian government and its operations in Brazil.
Robert Heilbroner, Editor, In the Name of Profit,
Warner Books , NY, 1973, 238 pp., $1.50. Profiles in
corporate irresponsibility — Dow, Goodrich, GM, Susque- hanna Corp., Richardson-Merrell, Colonial Pipeline.
Recent Counter-Corporate Annual Reports:
* Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. (28 pp), Consolidated Gold
Fields (36 pp), The General Electric Co.(36 pp),
all from Counter Information Services (CIS), 52
Shaftesbury Ave., London W 1, England.
* J. Davitt McAteer, Continental Oil Co./Consoli-
dation Coal Co: A Citizens’ Report, Camapign Contin-
ental, P.O. Box 19052, Washington, D.C. 20036, 18 pp.
Ed Greer & Michael Tanzer, “AT&T: Sexism, Racism &
Consumer Gouging, or Why We Need Socialism in America”,
26 pp (typed and xeroxed), distributed by NAN, 2421
E. Franklin Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55406, $1
International Activities of U.S. Banks (1973 Edition),
American Banker Reprint Service, 525 W 42 St., NYC
10036, 1973, 82 pp., $4.50. Lists all the branches,
affiliates, representative offices and banking subsidi-
aries of U.S. banks (by bank); cross indexed by country.
Robert S. McNamara, One Hundred Countries, Two Billion
People, Praeger, NY, 1973, 140 pp. $1.95. How the
World Bank president views the problems of aid.
William & Elizabeth Paddock, We Don’t Know How: An
Independent Audit of What they Call Success in Foreign
Assistance , Iowa State, 1973, 331 pp., $4.95. Case
studies in incompetence.
Sidney Dell, The Inter-American Development Bank: A
Study in Development Financing, Praeger, NY 1972, 256
pp., $15.
Riordan Roett, The Politics of Aid in the Brazilian
Northeast, Vanderbilt Univ. Press, iaashviile, 1972, 196 pp., $8.95
End of an Illusion — Verdict on UNCTAD III, World
Development Movement, 69 Victoria St., London SW1H
OHW, England, 22 pp.
Marion Gallis, Trade for Justice: Myth or Mandate?,
World Council of Churches, Geneva, 1972, 146 pp.
Prepared to brief the churches on the issues facing
Science Against the People, Scientists & Engineers for
Social & Political Action (SESPA), P.O. Box 4161,
Berkeley, CA 94704, December 1972, 43 pp., $1. The
story of Jason — the elite group of academic scientists
who, as technical consultants to the Pentagon, have
developed the latest weapon against peoples’ libera-
tion struggles: “automated warfare”.
Southern Exposure: The Military and the South, first
edition of Southern Exposure, a new quarterly publi-
shed by the Institute for Southern Studies, 88 Walton
At. NW, Atlanta, GA 30303 ($8/yr., $2/issue). A data-
packed exploration of the impact of militarism on
American society.