New Resources

LATIN AMERICA Marta Harnecker, ed., Cuba: Dictatorship or Democracy (Lawrence Hill and Co., 1980). $14.95 cloth, $6.95 paper, 239 pgs. First published in Spanish in 1975, this book is composed of a series of interviews conducted in Cuba at the time of the First Congress of the Cuban Communist Party when the “People’s Power” system of government was being applied in Matanzas Pro- vince. Harnecker’s introduction provides an important description of the Cuban Communist Party and its role in Cuban society. (Lawrence Hill & Co., 520 Riverside Avenue, Westport, CT 06880.) Martin Weinstein, ed., Revolutionary Cuba in the World Arena (Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1979). $13.50 cloth, 166 pgs. Eight essays originating from a 1975 conference. Two of the more interesting are by Lourdes Casal on “Cubans in the United States: Their impact on US-Cuban Relations,” and Nita Rous Manit- zas on “Cuban Ideology and Nationhood.” (ISHI, PO Box 2376, Philadelphia, PA 19103.) Donald Hodges and Ross Gandy, Mexico 1910-1976: Reform or Revolution (Zed Press, 1979). $20 cloth, $6.95 paper, 194 pgs. Hodges and Gandy’s book provides a useful re-interpretation of the Mexican Revolution, criti- ques other analyses, both orthodox and revisionist, and offers an essay on the “continental scope” of the revolution-how movements from APRA in Peru to Peronism in Argentina have been affected by the course of the Mexican revolution. (This book is being distributed by two publishers: Zed Press, 57 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DN, England, and Lawrence Hill& Co., 520 Riverside Avenue, Westport, CT 06880.) THE PEASANTRY AND CAPITALISM Stephen Gudeman, The Demise of a Rural Economy: From Subsistence to Capitalism In a Latin American Village (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978). $16.50 cloth, 176 pgs. An exciting effort to conceive the process by which capital uproots pre-existing forms of economic organization in “underdeveloped countries.” Via a case study of a Panamanian village, the author argues that capital’s critical impact lies in its transformation of the process of production and distribution of the surplus in the local economy. (Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ayer Building, Lawrence, MA 01843.) Luciano Martinez, La descomposici6n del campesinado on Ia sierra ecuatoriana (Editorial Conejo, 1980). $3.00 paper, 74 pgs. Another excellent essay in a series which Editorial Conejo has published on the peasantry in 48 Ecuador, this study examines changes in relations of production and the dynamics of capital accumulation in the province of Cotopaxi. (Editorial Conejo, Casilla 4629-A, Quito, Ecuador.) FOREIGN RELATIONS AND MULTINATIONALS Lester D. Langley, The United States and the Caribbean, 1900-1970 (University of Georgia Press, 1980). $22.00 cloth, 324 pgs. This study of U.S. policy in the Carib- bean examines “the historical paradox of American policy in the Caribbean: the expressed desire of the United States to advance the cause of political democracy and economic progress in small countries whose sovereignty it has violated, whose institutions it has denigrated, and whose culture it has disparaged.” (University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA 30602.) D.K. Fieldhouse, Unilever Overseas: The Anatomy of a Multinational, 1895-1965 (The Hoover Institution Press, 1978). $22 cloth, 620 pgs. An exhaustive study of Unilever (formerly Lever Brothers) which examines the foreign expansion of one of Britain’s largest corpora- tions. The wealth of factual material is analyzed from a non-Marxist (better put, anti-Marxist) framework which concludes that both the corporation and the host coun- tries have benefitted from Unilever’s foreign in- vestments. (The Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, CA 94305.) NEW PERIODICALS Cubatimes, quarterly publication of the Cuba Resource Center. Individual rates: $8 for one year; $15 for two. Cuba Resource Center, 11 John Street, Room 506, New York, NY 10038. Issue #1 includes a well- researched article on the Omega 7 exile terrorist organization and highlights of the Sixth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Havana in 1979. Other standard sections report on the economy, art, sports and travel, and promise to make this magazine essen- tial reading for keeping up on Cuba. Immigration Update, quarterly newsletter of the JSAC Taskforce on Immigration. $3 per year. JSAC Taskforce on Immigration, Room 413, 330 Ellis St., San Francisco, CA 94102. First issue includes reports on current im- migration cases, a bibliography and a list of agencies doing work on immigration issues. El Diario de Marka, daily publication of the journal, Marka. $50 for three months; $200 per year. Editora y Distribudora Runamarka, Camilo Carrillo 465, Jesus Maria, Lima 11, Peru. Marka, one of the best pro- gressive Peruvian journals, is raising funds to begin publishing this daily paper. The publication is scheduled to begin in May with a 24-page tabloid. Multinational Monitor, monthly publication sponsored by Ralph Nader. Individual subscriptions: $15 per year. Multinational Monitor, PO Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036. After a brief, but fruitful, run more than a year ago, Multinational Monitor is back with articles on cor- porate affairs, environmental issues, and international economics.