News From Nacla

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXILES Last fall, NACLA participated in the International Conference on Exiles and Solidarity in Latin America in the 1970s. The Con- ference, held in Venezuela from October 21-27, was sponsored jointly by the University of the Andes and by the International People’s Tribunal (successor to the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Latin America). A decade of brutal military repression has created the largest stream of political exiles in Latin American history. The Conference was called to examine the tremen- dous problems confronting the ex- iles, to denounce the military regimes and to analyze the rela- tion between U.S. imperialism and Latin American repression. As part of the effort to understand the role of the United States NACLA’s representative, Roger Burbach, presented a paper entitled “Strategies of U.S. Imperialism in Latin America.” Reprints of the 20-page paper are available from NACLA for $1.50 including postage. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you have a few free hours each week you could donate to NACLA? We are looking for people to help out with administrative work in our library and office. Call if you can help-(212) 989-8890.

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