Notice: Tri-Continental Information Center

The NACLA office just received a notice about the formation of the Tri-Continental Information Center “established to raise through education and information, an anti-imperialist consciousness in the United States.” The following are various excerpts from the announcement:

“We are building up contacts and exchange of publications with anti-imperialist organizations and movements throughout the world and will regularly publish a bulletin on international developments … .Je also plan to publish pamphlets, and in some cases books.

“We will be sending fact-finding missions to such areas as Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and Thailand, and we will arrange tours of the U.S. by speakers from independence movements around the world.

“We are now planning a conference for late spring on U.S. intervention in the Caribbean, with speakers from Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Haiti.

“Today with Vietnam and the possibility of more Vietnams…we feel it especially important to declare ourselves against the U.S. foreign policy and to express solidarity with those people whose independence and economic development are threatened by it.”

The statement was signed by Mike Myerson, John McDermott and Lincoln Lynch. Headquarters are 1133 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. 10010; tel.: (212) 242-6512.