Call for Pitches: Women Rising in the Americas

Write for NACLA's Winter 2018 issue!

A Ni Una Menos march in Buenos Aires in 2017 brings together social justice struggles from across the Americas (TitiNicola/ Wikimedia Commons)

We are currently accepting pitches for our upcoming issue, to be released in December 2018, “Women Rising in the Americas,” which will focus on feminism, gender, and LGBTQ movements and politics.

The NACLA Report comes from the North American Congress on Latin America, a Left-wing quarterly magazine focusing on Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Latinx U.S. We are now celebrating our 50th year of publication. NACLA blends the worlds of academia, journalism, and research, reflected in the style of our magazine. We are not an academic journal, and writing is oriented for general as well as specialized audiences. We seek to highlight the voices of folks on the frontlines of these struggles.

We are looking for pieces that discuss:

  • The women’s Strike and #NiUnaMás mobilizations in the Americas
  • Sex work in Latin America and the Latinx U.S.
  • LGBTQ and trans rights in Latin America; its role in migration
  • New conversations on sexual harassment and violence in light of #MeToo and a Trump presidency
  • Creative analyses of the patriarchy and evolving responses to male dominance in Latin America
  • Reproductive health across the region and beyond (comparative analyses appreciated)
  • Gendered perspectives on neoliberal transformations and resistance and women’s changing roles in labor
  • Militarization, criminalization, and securitization and its specific impact on women, in terms of immigration and other public policy
  • The intersection of race and gender in economic and social justice
  • Challenges facing women’s leadership and representation in political spheres in Latin America and the Latinx U.S.
  • And more– including photography, art, and poetry.

Send us a brief (250 word) pitch that captures the tone of the article you’d like to write for us by June 15, 2018, to Managing Editor Laura Weiss, We are interested in articles that examine a specific, narrowly defined topic, and are written in a lively, accessible manner. We give preference to articles that are based on original research and interviews. Please include a link to your previous published work, if possible. We suggest you review our online content and previous issues of the NACLA Report as well as our writers’ guide before you send your pitch. If accepted, articles will be due in late August, 2018.

We are able to offer small honorariums to contributors for whom freelance writing is their primary income. If your piece is accepted, we will discuss this fee on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you!