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Today, June 28, 2019, marks the 10thanniversary of that coup. In the decade since, NACLA contributors have been steadfast in highlighting everything from the spike in state-sponsored repression to the U.S. mainstream media’s role in legitimizing it.
Thus, we invite you to revisit some of NACLA’s coverage in the immediate aftermath, both online and in subsequent issues of the Reportincluding a special 2010 Honduras issuethat gives context and analysis on the 2009 coup. And as we reflect on the ten years that have passed, it is also important to understand the impact the coup has continued to have on Honduran democracyfrom the irregularities and fraud of the 2013 and 2017 presidential elections, to the repression and murder of Indigenous activists like Berta Cáceres. These ten years mark what academic and activist and NACLA contributor Dana Frank refers to as “the long Honduran night.”
In addition to the selected readings below, be sure to check out an interview with Honduran activist Luis Méndez, copublished today by NACLA and Jacobin Magazine, and a commentary by Sara Kozameh reflecting on this tragic anniversary.
Néstor David Pastor
January 11, 2018: Dirty Elections in Honduras, with Washington’s Blessing by Alexander Main
March 2, 2017: A Year Without Berta by Moira Birss
October 27, 2016: Environmental Activists Face Renewed Repression in Honduras by Parker Asmann
November 27, 2013: Honduran Election Results Contested by International Observers by Kevin Edmonds
May 28, 2011: Zelaya’s Return: Neither Reconciliation nor Democracy in Honduras by Adrienne Pine
June 23, 2010: The Honduran Business Elite One Year After the Coup by Dawn Paley
May 3, 2010: Out of the Past, a New Honduran Culture of Resistance by Dana Frank
March 19, 2010: Honduras: Repression Intensifies, Resistance Deepens, and Washington Promotes Recognition of the Post-Coup Regime by Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens
November 12, 2009: Academics and Experts on Latin America Call on Obama to Denounce Human Rights Abuses by Honduran Dictatorship
November 2, 2009: U.S. Media Fail in Honduras Coup Reporting by Robert Naiman
June 30, 2009: Showdown in Honduras: The Rise, Repression and Uncertain Future of the Coup by Benjamin Dangl