Resource Update

AMERICAS Lloyd Best, Power and Politics in Trinidad and Tobago, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 1978, 26 pp. Victor Grimaldi, Entrevistas, Andlisis, Reportajes, Editora Cosmos, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1977, 395 pp., $4.00. Collected essays of the noted Dominican journalist on the CIA in Dominican politics, foreign policy of the United States, transnational corporations, etc. Book available from the author at Calle Aristides Fiallo Cabral No. 256, Santo Domingo, Zona Postal 7, Dominican Republic. Patrick Hughes, editor, A Study Packet for “Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast, ” The Packard Manse Media Project, Box 450, Stoughton, MA 02072. An excellent collection of materials to be used in conjunction with the slide show, “Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast,” the story of Gulf & Western in the Dominican Republic. Contains 10 reprints on the Dominican Republic and G&W plus other information. Kenrick Radix, Grenada: Current Politics and Human Rights, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 1977, 46 pp. Written by the Co-Chairman of the New Jewel Movement. Richard E. Sharpless, Gaitan of Colombia: A Political Biography, University of Pittsburgh Press, 229 pp., $11.95. Raul Silva, Birgitta Leander, Sun Axelsson, Evidence on the Terror in Chile, Merlin Press, London, 139 pp., $2.30. Also available from Carrier Pigeon, 88 Fisher Avenue, Boston, MA 02120. POLITICAL ECONOMY Andre Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile: Monetarist Theory Versus Humanity, Two Open Letters to Arnold Harberger and Milton Friedman, Spokesmen Books, London, 87pp, $2.80. Also available from Carrier Pigeon. Salomon Padilla and Hugo Varas, el financiamento pjblico externo en Panama y sus impli- caciones econdmicas, CELA, Apartado 6-3093, El Dorado, PanamA, Repiblica de PanamA, 40 pp. The foreign debt of Panama. Jeannine Swift, Economic Development in Latin America, St. Martin’s Press, 154 pp. LABOR Jeffrey Harrod, Trade Union Foreign Policy: A Study of British and American Trade Union Activities in Jamaica, Macmillan Press, 485 pp. Although Harrod’s book was published in 1972, it has received very little publicity and is extremely useful. Victor Levant, Capital & Labour: Partners? Two Classes- Two Views, Steel Rail Educational Publishing, Box 6813, Station A, Toronto, Ontario M5W 1X6, Canada, 1977, 276 pp., $6.95. Gordon K. Lewis, Slavery, Imperialism and Freedom: Studies in English Radical Thought, Monthly Review Press, 1978, 346 pp., $15.00. WOMEN Perdita Huston, Message from the Village, Epoch B Foundation, PO Box 1972, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10017, 142 pp. A sampling of women from 130 villages spread over three continents express their views on population and development. “Women and National Development: The Complexities of Change,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. III, No. 1 (Autumn 1977), 338 pp., $4.00. Based on a conference held in 1976. Available from Signs, the University of Chicago Press, 11030 Langley Avenue, Chicago, IL 60628. GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACY Comptroller General of the United States, Domestic Policy Issues Stemming from U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Report to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, General Accounting Office (ID-78-2, January 16, 1978), 85 pp. Mark Ryter, A Whistelblower’s Guide to the Federal Bureaucracy, Government Account-ability Project, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 39 pp., $3.00. A guide for federal workers who need to reach the public with evidence of improper agency activities.