Resource Update

AMERICAS Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., Walter Fogel, and Fred H. Schmidt, The Chicano Worker, University of Texas Press, 1977, 129 pp. Workers of Spanish Origin: A Chartbook, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, 1978, 71 pp. Employment, unemployment and wage statistics. Free. Antonio Rios Bustamante, Mexicans in the United States and the National Question: Current Problems and Organizational Positions, Editorial La Causa, Santa Barbara, CA, 1978, 24 pp. Mark T. Gilderhaus, Diplomacy and Revolution: U.S. Mexican Relations Under Wilson and Carranza, University of Arizona Press, 1977, 159 pp., $10.50. Margaret Randall, ‘Somos Millones’: La Vida de Doris Maria, combatiente nicaragiiense, Extemporneos, Mexico, Apartado Postal 78-048, Mexico 14, D.F., 1977, 91 pp. Oscar Lewis, Ruth M. Lewis, and Susan M. Rigdon, Four Women: Living the Revolution – An Oral History of Contemporary Cuba, University of Illinois Press, 1977, 443 pp., $15. Roger W. Fontaine, The Andean Pact: A Political Analysis, Sage Publishers (for Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University), 72 pp., $3. C. L. R. James, The Future in the Present (Selected Writings), Lawrence Hill & Co., Westport, CT, 1977, 271 pp., $12.95. Agustin Cueva, El Desarrollo del capitalismo en america latina, Siglo XXI, Mexico, 1977, 238 pp., 55 pesos. Salomon Kalmanovitz, Ensayos sobre el desarrollo del capitalismo dependiente, Editorial Pluma, Apartado ABreo 345, Bogot6, Colombia, 1977, 216 PP. Harry Magdoff and Paul M.Sweezy, The End of Prosperity: The American Economy in the 1970’s, Monthly Review Press, 1977, 136 pp., $7.95. POLITICAL ECONOMY P. Rydberg et al., The History Book, translated from Danish by Carol Baum Schmorleitz, Peace Press, Inc., 3828 Willat Ave., Culver City, CA 90230, 1974 (third U.S. edition, 1977), 152 pp., $5.95. Based on film of same name, illustrated. Mao Tse-tung, A Critique of Soviet Economics, Monthly Review Press, 1977, 157 pp., $10. Ronald L. Meek, Studies in the Labor Theory of Value, Monthly Review Press, 2nd ed., 1977, $5.95. CORPORATE/INDUSTRY Sugar and Sugar Workers: A Popular Report of the International Sugar Workers Conference, GATT-Fly, 11 Madison Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1978, 50 pp., 3 pamphlets, 75 cents each. Michael Perelman, Farming for Profit in a Hungry World: Capital and the Crisis in Agriculture, Allanheld Osmun & Company, 19 Brunswick Rd., Montclair, NJ, 1978, 238 pp., $14. Formula Factor, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 28 min. film describing impact of corporate marketing of infant formula in Jamaica. Available through California Newsreel, 630 Natoma, San Francisco, CA 94103. Lynda Ann Ewen, Corporate Power and the Urban Crisis in Detroit, Princeton University Press, 1978, 312 pp. Ford Anti-Report, Counter Information Services (Transnational Institute Affiliate), 9 Poland St., London W1, England, 72 pp. On Ford Motor Co. Diane Hooper, Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation: A Case Study of a Multinational Corporation, International Peace Research Institute, Radhusgt 4, Oslo 1, Norway, 1977, 54 pp. MILITARY/POLICE/CIA Daniel Volman and Michael Klare, Arms Trade Data, Institute for Policy Studies, 1901 Que St., NW, Washington, DC 20009, 21 pp., $1. Information on U.S. arms transfers to the third World, and sales to third world police forces. Michael Klare and M. Holland, Conventional Arms Restraint: An Unfulfilled Promise, a special report of the Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy, Institute for Policy Studies, 8 pp., free. CIA’s Covert Operations vs. Human Rights, Center for National Security Studies, 122 Maryland Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002, 1978, 23 pp., 10 cents.