Resource Update

IMPERIALISM James Petras, Critical Perspectives on Imperialism and Social Class in the Third World (Monthly Review Press, 1978), $15.00, cloth, 314 pages. Eleven essays on im- perialism and class in Latin America which attempt to synthesize dependency theory and Marxist class anal- ysis. Ranjit Sau, Unequal Exchange, Imperialism and Under- development: An Essay on the Political Economy of World Capitalism (Oxford, 1978), $9.50, cloth, 202 pages. Quantitative Marxist analysis of unequal exchange in post-war imperialism. Beginning with an examination of the economic crisis of the “center” countries, Sau then discusses capital and technology flows, present- ing a different view of “unequal exchange” theory than either Amin or Emmanuel. MAGAZINES AND OTHER RESOURCES “Changing Role of S.E. Asian Women,” recently pub- lished joint issue of Pacific Research Bulletin and South- east Asia Chronicle describes new corporate strategies for the social control of Third World women who are increasingly being used as sources of cheap labor. $1.50 from Southeast Asia Resource Center, PO Box 4000D, Berkeley, CA 94704. LATIN AMERICA Carl E. Solberg, Oil and Nationalism in Argentina: A History (Stanford, 1979), $15.00, cloth, 245 pages. Case study of the Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, the world’s first state-owned oil company, concen- trating on the 1907-1930 period with a final chapter to 1977. Basil A. Ince, Contemporary International Relations of the Caribbean (Institute of International Relations, UWI, 1979), paperback, 367 pages. Sixteen essays on the Caribbean, its links to the Third World, case studies of national dependence, race and ideology, foreign policy and economic development and regional in- tegration. Available from: Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad-Tobago. Brian Loveman, Chile: The Legacy of Hispanic Capitalism (Oxford, 1979), $13.95, cloth, 429 pages. A general history of Chile from the Spanish conquest to the military junta. Useful bibliography, chronology and overview, although weak central thesis as implied in title. MaylJune 1979 Arturo Valenzuela, Political Brokers in Chile: Local Government in a Centralized Polity (Duke, 1977), $13.75, cloth, 272 pages. The relation between municipal government and national politics in Chile based on survey field research carried out in 1969. Highlights the role of Chilean political parties. EPICA Task Force, Jamaica: Caribbean Challenge (EPICA, 1979), $3.50 + 50c postage, paperback, 119 pages. Subtitled “A People’s Primer,” this nicely il- lustrated pamphlet contains important articles on the history of Jamaica, foreign investment, the PNP, class forces on the island and the recent IMF “stabilization” plan. Very useful publication with good bibliography. Available from EPICA Task Force, 1470 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC 20010. Bryan Cooper, general editor, Latin America and Caribbean Oil Report (Petroleum Economist, 1979), $97.00, paperback, 327 pages. Thorough business- oriented publication on oil and gas in Latin America and the Caribbean. Besides articles on each country with oil or gas deposits, report has general articles on oil and petroleum politics in Latin America. Available from Petroleum Economist, 5 Pemberton Row, Fleet Street, London EC4, England. No author. Nicaragua: Reforma o Revoluci6n, 3 vols, December 1978. Exceptionally good recent study of Nicaragua. Three volumes cover: 1) the crisis of the capitalist system; 2) social forces and the crisis of Somocismo; 3) the political conjuncture and the popular insurrection. Available for use only in library of NACLA, New York. Walter La Feber, The Panama Canal: The Crisis In Historical Perspective, expanded edition (Oxford, 1979), $3.95, paperback, 310 pages. Analysis of U.S.-Panamanian relations with new chapter on the 1977-78 congressional debates on the Panama Canal Treaty and the major treaties governing the Canal Zone. WORKERS & MIGRANTS, NORTH & SOUTH Jack Scott, Canadian Workers, American Unions (New Star Books, 1978), $6.50, paperback; $13.95, cloth, 242 pages. Subtitled, “How the American Federation of Labour took over Canada’s unions,” this book is the second volume of a series on trade unions and im- perialism in the Americas. Well-documented study of U.S. union activities in Canada. Available from New Star Books, 2504 York, Vancouver, BC V6K 1E3, Canada. History Task Force, Centro de Estudios Puerto- rriqueios, Labor Migration Under Capitalism: The Puerto Rican Experience (Monthly Review Press, 1979), $15.00, cloth, 287 pages. A Marxist analysis which locates the causes of migration in transformations in the modes of production of Puerto Rican economic development. This process is linked to the growth of the Puerto Rican community in the United States.