LATIN AMERICA Domitila Barrios de Chungara with Moema Viezzer, Let Me Speak! Testimony of Domitila, A Woman of the Bolivian Mines (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978). $12.50, hardcover, 235 pages. A fascinating ac- count of a militant woman leader from the tin-mining region of Bolivia whose story exemplifies the history of workers’ struggles in that country. Rosino Gibellini, editor, Frontiers of Theology in Latin America (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1979), $9.95, paperback, 321 pages. An anthology of writings on liberation theology which first appeared in Italian in 1975. Michael T. Klare and Nancy Stein, Armas y Poder en America Latina (M6xico: Ediciones ERA, 1978), $3.00, paperback, 251 pages. Available from NACLA. A Spanish edition of some of the major articles written by Klare and Stein for NACLA and other publications. Latin America Bureau, The Belize Issue (London: Latin America Bureau, 1978), paperback, 77 pages. Available from LAB, Box 134, London NW1 4JY, England. One of the best accounts of dispute between Great Bri- tain and Guatemala for the tiny colony of Belize. Latin America Bureau, El Salvador bajo el General Romero (London: LAB, 1978), paperback, 115 pages. Report documents how the new “Law to Defend and Guarantee the Public Order” has institutionalized the violation of human rights in El Salvador. Louis A. Perez, Jr., Intervention, Revolution and Politics in Cuba, 1913-1921 (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pitt- sburgh Press, 1978), $12.95, hardcover, 198 pages. Cuban-U.S. relations during the major period of U.S. in- tervention in Cuba. Roberto Frenkel and Guillermo O’Donnell, “Los pro- gramas de estabilizaci6n convenidos con el FMI y sus impactos internos,” Estudios CEDES, I, 1 (1978). Available from CEDES, HipOlito Irigoyen 1156, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The effects of IMF “stabilization” pro- grams on Argentina. THREE ON CHILE John C. Leggett, et. al., Allende, His Exit and Our “Times” (New Brunswick, NJ: New Brunswick Cooperative Press, 1978), $5.00, paperback, 79 pages. Available from John Leggett, Dept. of Sociology, Liv- ingston College, Rutgers, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. A well-documented account of how the New York Times reported events in Chile from 1970-1973. Barbara Stallings, Class Conflict and Economic Development in Chile (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1978), $18.50, hardcover, 295 pages. Exceptionally well- done comparative analysis of three Chilean administra- tions: Alessandri (1958-64), Frei (1964-70), Allende (1970-73). Allows the reader to clearly place the Popular Unity government in its historical context. Kyle Steenland, Agrarian Reform Under Allende: Peasant Revolt in the South (Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1977), $5.95, paperback, 241 pages. Fascinating account of Cautin Province, the center of peasant radicalism, during the Allende government. CORPORATIONS, BANKS AND THE ECONOMY Corporate Data Exchange, U.S. Bank Loans to South Africa (NY: CDE, 1978), paperback, 46 pages. Available from CDE, Room 707, 198 Broadway, New York, NY 10028. A study of all publicly-identifiable loans and trade credits made by U.S. financial institutions to South African borrowers since 1972. Jamie Swift and the Development Education Centre, The Big Nickel: Inco at Home and Abroad (Kitchener, Ontario: Between the Lines Press, 1977), paperback, 173 pages. Available from Between the Lines Press, 97 Vic- toria St. N., Kitchener, Ontario. Very useful account of the world’s largest nickel producer in Canada, Indonesia and Guatemala. ON THE JOB Daniel M. Berman, Death on the Job: Occupational Health and Safety Struggles in the United States (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978), $12.95, hard- cover, 260 pages. A history of workers’ struggles to win a safe workplace and industry/government collusion to avoid the costs that this implies. Includes a lengthy chapter on the unions’ role in occupational health and safety struggles. Bert Cochran, Labor and Communism: the Conflict That Shaped American Unions (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977), $25.00, hardcover, 394 pages. Thorough and very interesting account of the role of the Communist Party in the U.S. trade union movement, but marred by liberal anti-communist perspective. Grace Halsell, The Illegals (NY: Stein and Day, 1978), $8.95, hardcover, 216 pages. Undocumented workers from Mexico.