NACLA At The New School If you live in the New York met- ropolitan region and you want to learn more about Central America, now’s your chance. NACLA will be teaching a course on “Central America: A Region in Crisis” at the New School for Social Re- search during the Spring semes- ter, 1984, which begins on Febru- ary 9. The three-credit course will ex- amine the historical roots of the current crisis in the region and the political, economic and social particularities of each of its major countries. We will also examine regional economic problems, the growth of Left and popular move- ments, the role of religion and the Church in Central America, U.S. policy, regional diplomatic initia- tives and other alternatives for the troubled region. The course will be led by NACLA’s research director, Steve Volk. Our Central America research team-Bob Armstrong, George Black, Deborah Huntington and Janet Shenk-will lecture and lead discussions on their areas of ex- pertise. The course will meet on Thurs- days, from 5:50-7:35 p.m., and is listed as #565A in the New School catalogue. If you want more information, please call NACLA or the New School. Staff Researcher Needed NACLA has an immediate staff opening for an experienced writer and researcher with a sound aca- demic background, good Spanish and proven journalistic skills. We would be particularly Interested in strengthening our research team by adding someone with a special interest in the countries of the Southern Cone and Brazil. Starting salary is $16,000 plus benefits. Please send resume and samples of written work (preferably publish- ed) to George Black, Editor, NACLA Report on the Americas, 151 West 19th St., 9th Floor, New York, NY 10011.