Resource Update

Philip S. Foner, Antonio Maceo:
The “Bronze Titan” of Cuba’s
Struggle for Independence,
Monthly Review Press, 340 pp,
Franklin W. Knight, The Carib-
bean: The Genesis of a
Fragmented Nationalism, Oxford
University Press, 251 pp., $4.00.
Walter LaFeber, The Panama
Canal: The Crisis in Historical
Perspective, Oxford University
Press, 248 pp., $10.95.
Jose Marti, Our America: Writ-
ings on Latin America and the
Struggle for Cuban Indepen-
dence, ed. by Philip S. Foner,
Monthly Review Press, 448 pp.,
June Nash, Juan Corradi and
Hobart Spalding. Jr., eds., Ideol-
ogy and Social Change in Latin
America, Gordon and Breach
Science Publishers Inc., One
Park Ave., N.Y., NY 10016, 305
pp., $14.50.
James F. Petras, Morris Morley
and Steven Smith, The Nation-
alization of Venezuelan Oil,
Praeger Special Studies, 200
Park Ave., N.Y., NY 10017, 173
pp., $18.50.
Roger Plant, Guatemala: Unnat-
ural Disaster. The Latin America
Bureau, P.O. Box 134, London
NW1 4JY, 121 pp., $3.00. Dis-
cusses social classes, human
rights and foreign aid.
Philip Russell, Mexico in Transi-
tion, Colorado River Press, Box
8004, Austin, TX 78712, 176 pp.,
Hobart A. Spalding, Jr., Organ-
ized Labor in Latin America:
Historian Case Studies of Work-
ers in Dependent Societies,
Harper Torchbooks, 297 pp.,
Denis Goulet, The Uncertain
Promise: Value Conflicts in Tech-
nology Transfer, IDOC/North
America in cooperation with
Overseas Development Council,
1717 Mass. Ave. NW, Wash., DC
20036, 320 pp., $5.95.
Barbara Weaver, Lee Kimball, et
al., Voyage to Discovery: Chart-
ing of the Sea, United Methodist
Law of the Sea Project, 100
Maryland Ave. NE, Wash., DC
20002, 209+ pp., $7.50. Infor-
mation/resource manual on
oceanic environmental,
resource use and control issues,
international negotiations, U.S.
legislation. Future additions in
Survey of Research on Trans-
national Corporations, Centre on
Transnational Corporations,
United Nations, STICTC/3, 529
pp., U.N. Sales No. E.7711.A.16,
Newsletter on International
Labor Studies, Vol. 1, no. 1
(March, 1978). Bi-annual news-
letter designed to: (1) facilitate
an exchange of information
among those concerned with the
working class of underdeveloped
areas; (2) help link the struggles
of these workers to those of
workers in advanced capitalist
nations; (3) cover developments
in the areas of transnational cap-
ital, the international division of
labor, international labor organi-
zations and activities. Coordina-
tors: Robin Cohen (U. of the West
Indies), Tim Harding (Calif. State
Univ. L.A.), Hobart Spalding, Jr.
(Brooklyn College of CUNY).
Write: Peter Waterman, Institute
of Social Studies, 251 Badhuisweg,
P.O. Box 90733, 2509LS, The
Hague, Holland.
Robert C. Aldridge, The Counter-
force Syndrome: A guide to U.S.
Nuclear Weapons and Strategic
Doctrine, Transnational Institute/
IPS, 1901 0 St. NW, Wash., DC
20009, 79 pp., $2.50.
Fred M. Kaplan, Dubious Spec-
ter: A Second Look at the “Soviet
Threat, ” with intro. by Richard J.
Barnet, Transnational Institute/
IPS. 47 pp., $1 50.
Nuclear America, War Resisters
League, 339 Lafayette St., N.Y.,
NY 10012, wall map, $0.75.
Graphically depicts nuclear pro-
liferation in the US from weap-
ons facilities and power plants to
likely target areas in case of
nuclear war.
Zillah R. Eisenstein, ed., Capital-
ist Patriarchy and the Case for
Socialist Feminism, Monthly
Review Press, 394 pp., $16.50.
Evelyn Reed, Sexism and
Science, Pathfinder Press, 190
pp., $3.45.
International Directory of
Women’s Development Organ-
izations, Agency for International
Development, Wash., DC