The result of two year’s research, this 60-page pamphlet constitutes. the first comprehen- sive tabulation of military research on American campuses. Opening with a short analyti- cal statement by Michael Klare, the directory encompasses descriptions of some 40 mili- tary research organizations. The four research inventories, on chemical and biological warfare research and on foreign affairs, describe projects at another 100 universities and non-profit research organizations. All of this material is completely cross-indexed to expedite the correlation of data. Prices: single copies, $1.00 plus 25c postage;- 10-49 copies, 75c each plus postage; 50 copies or more: 60c each plus postage. Payment must accompany order for single copy purchases. Paid Newsletter subscribers are entitled to receive a copy of this pamphlet free if the order is received before June 15, 1969.