Niños guatemaltecos refugiados, ayer y hoy

Niños guatemaltecos refugiados, ayer y hoy

Decenas de miles de niños guatemaltecos buscaron refugio en México durante el enfrentamiento armado interno en su país, una historia ...
Guatemalan Child Refugees, Then and Now (disponible en español)

Guatemalan Child Refugees, Then and Now (disponible en español)

Tens of thousands of Guatemalan children sought refuge in Mexico during the country's civil war, a history often overlooked in ...
Ríos Montt, the Evangelist

Ríos Montt, the Evangelist

Part of a roundtable reflecting on the death and legacy of dictator Ríos Montt. Read the rest here ...
Guatemala's Civil Hangover

Guatemala’s Civil Hangover

The unprecedented success of Guatemala's anti-corruption protests surprised everyone. But this success has not yet translated to the ballot box ...