Police Repression Legalized as Mining Protests Grow in Peru

Police Repression Legalized as Mining Protests Grow in Peru

Last month, an article in Peru's penal code was modified to allow police and the military to use lethal force ...
Large-Scale Mining in Uruguay: Time to Vote?

Large-Scale Mining in Uruguay: Time to Vote?

Uruguay has earned a reputation as a democratic country, and the recent passage of laws implementing gay marriage and the ...
Close the NGOs: Asserting Sovereignty or Eroding Democracy?

Close the NGOs: Asserting Sovereignty or Eroding Democracy?

In past weeks, the governments of Ecuador and Bolivia moved to shut down or expel major NGOs (non-government organizations) that ...
Peru: Police Abuse in the Pay of Mining Companies

Peru: Police Abuse in the Pay of Mining Companies

In a mining conflict country, police brutality under the pay of mining corporations is the ugliest side of community relations ...
Fracking for Sovereignty? The Argentine Case

Fracking for Sovereignty? The Argentine Case

Argentina's nationalization of YPF took a strange turn this year when the government signed a deal with Chevron to boost ...
Mountains of Faith? The Church Takes on Large-Scale Mining

Mountains of Faith? The Church Takes on Large-Scale Mining

Faith and large-scale mining have something in common: they both move mountains. On many occasions, the Church has been an ...
Fuel Politics in Latin America: Where to Begin?

Fuel Politics in Latin America: Where to Begin?

Extractives in Latin America aspires to draw attention to reality as represented through Latin American eyes and voices. The politics we ...
Leader Opposed to Colombian Mining Project Murdered

Leader Opposed to Colombian Mining Project Murdered

Pedro César García Moreno, a member of Conciencia Campesina and president of the Community Action of El Cajón-La Leona district, ...