Published since 1967, the award-winning NACLA Report on the Americas is a quarterly magazine of news and analysis. It is the oldest and most widely read progressive magazine covering Latin America and its relationship with the United States. Centered around our unique “Report” section, which examines a single topic in depth, the magazine offers comprehensive, analytic coverage of Latin America not found anywhere else in the English-language press. With our five decades of trusted analysis on hemispheric affairs, we have long brought our readers the overlooked, the under-reported, and the covered-up—and our status as an independent nonprofit organization ensures that we will continue to do so.

As of 2016, the NACLA Report is published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis. Each issue, a select number of articles are available open access for a limited time. Read recent NACLA Report articles on our website. Digital versions of our complete print archives are housed on Taylor & Francis’s website. These archives are accessible via an institutional subscription to NACLA. If you are a researcher or student and need access to a specific article, please email us at for assistance.

Our physical archive is now located at Tamiment Library at Bobst library at New York University. You can make an appointment to visit these archives. If you have NACLA materials you wish to donate, please contact Tamiment directly at