BRAZILIAN DEBT Eleventh Hour Ball-Out

BRAZILIAN DEBT Eleventh Hour Ball-Out

"We were 76 traveling companions and only one did not renegotiate; that was us," declared Brazil's Planning Minister Ant6nio Delfim ...
TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE A Debt Balance Sheet

TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE A Debt Balance Sheet

I'm no financial wizard, Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez told a journalist at the Havana debt confer- ence in August ...
LATIN AMERICA'S DEBT The Specter of a Debtors' Cartel

LATIN AMERICA’S DEBT The Specter of a Debtors’ Cartel

If 53 people died in the Dominican Republic, 53,000 people could die if the Mexicans remember that they are a ...
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

Partners in Banking, commissioned and underwritten by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. for its 150th anniversary, is justly advertised as ...
ARGENTINE DEBT Playing by the Rules

ARGENTINE DEBT Playing by the Rules

U.S. banks got another last minute reprieve in June, when Argentina agreed to implement yet another IMF adjustment program. The ...