Feminism Under Construction
For feminist organizing in Latin America, divergent identities and political beliefs must be seen as fundamental, rather than incidental, to ...
Chilean Feminism and Social Democracy From the Democratic Transition to Bachelet
The election of Chile’s first female president in January 2006 sparked unprecedented interest in the developments of gender relations and ...
Bolivian Women’s Organizations in the MAS Era
Throughout the 1990s, the Bolivian women’s movement was ideologically polarized between a liberal, NGO-based “gender technocracy” and the anarcha-feminism embodied ...
Beyond Polarization: Organized Venezuelan Women Promote Their Minimum Agenda
Although Venezuela is still politically polarized between chavistas and antichavistas,¹ collective violence is a lot more subdued than during the ...
Neither Left nor Right: Sandinismo in the Anti-Feminist Era
In October 2006, Nicaragua became one of a handful of countries, including Chile and El Salvador, where abortion is illegal ...
Bodies in Contention
In January 2000, two Chilean architects received a grant from the government's funding organization for culture, Fondart, to construct a ...
The Gender Wars
In July of last year, several mem- bers of the Argentine planning committee that had drawn up the guidelines for ...
Standing Fast in Mexico: Protecting Women’s Rights in a Hostile Climate
In Mexico's presidential election last year, many progressives were seduced into voting for Vicente Fox, candidate of the right-wing National ...