Guatemalan Labor-Coke Boycott Wins (For Now)
After five years of bitter strug- gle, the workers of the Embotella- dora Guatemalteca, S.A. (EGSA) -the U.S.-owned Coca-Cola fran- ...
The ‘Maquila’ Women
After she was deserted by her husband of only two years, Rosario went to live with her mother, Mariana. Her ...
Jamaica-Roots of Electoral Violence
Driving through Western King- ston, a wrong turn landed us on a narrow street made nearly impassable by mountainous heaps ...
Bolivia-The Peasantry and the Coup
For the third time in little more than two years, the Bolivian mili- tary has thwarted the will of the ...
Human Rights-A New Voice
The summer of 1980 was a bit- ter season for human rights in Latin America, kicked off by a mili- ...
New Resources
WOMEN IN LATIN AMERICA Centro de Informacion, Estudios y Documentacion (CIED), Presencia de la muler on las barriadas (Lima: CIED, ...