Can Washington Still Dictate Drug Policy in the Americas?
Washington has succeeded in creating an entrenched drug-war bureaucracy across Latin America. But the momentum in favor of reform is ...
In Tegucigalpa, the Iron Fist Fails
With the rise of zero tolerance, or mano dura (“iron fist”), policing in Honduras, the capital city has experienced a ...
Washington’s ‘New War’ in Colombia: The War on Drugs Meets the War on Terror
In 1997—back when there was no such thing as a “war on terror” and George W. Bush was just a ...
Deadly Force:Security and Insecurity in Rio.
Surrounded by lush green mountains on one side and the light blue ocean on the other, the neighborhood of São ...
New Colombian President Promises More War
In 1998, Colombians elected a presidential candidate who promised them peace. On May 26, 2002, they chose one who promised ...
Haiti: In Bondage to History?
The acrid smell hanging over the once-grand hillside neighborhood of Bel-Aire, near Haiti’s bleached white National Palace, was by then ...
Clouds Over Colombia
In 1998, Colombians were filled with optimism about the possibility of a negotiated settlement to the armed conflict that has ...
Into the Andean Quagmire: Bush II Keeps Up March to Militarization
The Andean region—Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia—has, since the 1980s, been the main theatre of action in the drug war; ...