The De Facto Powers Behind Fujimori’s Regime
Fujimori takes great pride in not being beholden to the interests of any particular group. He did not, for example, ...
Deciphering the Enigmas of Alberto Fujimori
How can we understand the many enigmas sur- rounding the presidency of Alberto Fujimori? Emerging practically out of nowhere, he ...
A President Like You”: Fujimoris Popular Appeal
In the 1990 presidential election, political unknown IAlberto Fujimori conducted a deliberately simple campaign, in sharp contrast to the multimillion- ...
Peru in the 1990 the year Alberto Fujimori was elected president was a country bordering on collapse. Spiraling hyperinflation had ...
Fujimori and the Business Class: A Prickly Partnership
Peru's business community has been a key pillar of support for Fujimori's neoliberal economic program. In recent months, however, some ...
An Unlikely Hero: Valdivieso’s Crusade Against Drug Corruption
Prosecutor General Alfonso Valdivieso has set himself the goal of separating Colombia's political elite from its murderous friendships and entanglements ...
Anatomy of a Cover-Up: The Disappearances at La Cantuta
The Enrique Guzman y Valle University, widely known as "La Cantuta," was occupied by the Peruvian army in May, 1991 ...
Oil and the Opposition
The government's attempt to derail opposition to the proposed privatization of Petro-PerO is a pal- pable demonstration of the contradiction ...