Recovering Utopia

Recovering Utopia

The discovery of America completely revolutionized the European imagination. Here, to their astonishment, the Europeans found -- or thought they ...
Reinventing Identity

Reinventing Identity

The history of America begins with a clash of two cultures that were not merely dissimilar, but incompatible: The values ...
QUINCENTENARY U.S. Commission Adrift

QUINCENTENARY U.S. Commission Adrift

The white banner hanging over the stage proclaimed: "A Celebration of Cultures: The Columbus Quincenten- nial-with support from Safeway, Inc." ...
The Blue Tiger and the Promised Land

The Blue Tiger and the Promised Land

FINE WORDS AND PRETTY CEREMONIES ARE about to descend upon us: The five-hundredth anni- versary of the so-called Discovery is ...
Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass

FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Callicoatl sailed across the ocean in three Aztec boats and found a new conti- nent, a ...
Misguided Development

Misguided Development

Five hundred years ago, through the mountains of what today are Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Chile, merchant caravans with hundreds ...
Conquered Women

Conquered Women

Our memory is like a broken mirror. It does not reflect the world as it was, but our fragmented, partial, ...
QUINCENTENARY Colonial Legacy of Anti-Semitism

QUINCENTENARY Colonial Legacy of Anti-Semitism

Six thousand meters up Mt. Acon- cagua in southern Argentina a graffito proclaims: "losjuden son cerdos" (yids are pigs). The ...