Recovering Utopia
The discovery of America completely revolutionized the European imagination. Here, to their astonishment, the Europeans found -- or thought they ...
Reinventing Identity
The history of America begins with a clash of two cultures that were not merely dissimilar, but incompatible: The values ...
QUINCENTENARY U.S. Commission Adrift
The white banner hanging over the stage proclaimed: "A Celebration of Cultures: The Columbus Quincenten- nial-with support from Safeway, Inc." ...
The Blue Tiger and the Promised Land
FINE WORDS AND PRETTY CEREMONIES ARE about to descend upon us: The five-hundredth anni- versary of the so-called Discovery is ...
Through the Looking Glass
FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Callicoatl sailed across the ocean in three Aztec boats and found a new conti- nent, a ...
Misguided Development
Five hundred years ago, through the mountains of what today are Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Chile, merchant caravans with hundreds ...
Conquered Women
Our memory is like a broken mirror. It does not reflect the world as it was, but our fragmented, partial, ...
QUINCENTENARY Colonial Legacy of Anti-Semitism
Six thousand meters up Mt. Acon- cagua in southern Argentina a graffito proclaims: "losjuden son cerdos" (yids are pigs). The ...