Reimagining Drug Policy in the Americas

Reimagining Drug Policy in the Americas

  Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a sociologist, was president of Brazil from 1995 to 2002. He currently chairs the Global Commission ...
Editor's Note

Editor’s Note

A search on Flickr images for Uruguayan President José Mujica renders the headshots of a pop cultural icon: Aylín Mújica, Cuban ...
Brazil's Militarized Crackdown on Drugs

Brazil’s Militarized Crackdown on Drugs

Brazil's military police (Anykeyh / Creative Commons) On October 2, 2009, wildly enthusiastic crowds gathered on Copacabana beach in Rio ...
Interview with Former Trafficker Rosa Julia Leyva

Interview with Former Trafficker Rosa Julia Leyva

Rosa Julia Leyva Martínez is a Mexican woman from a poor rural community in the southern state of Guerrero, a ...
To the Beat of a Different Drum: Bolivia's Community Coca Control

To the Beat of a Different Drum: Bolivia’s Community Coca Control

Cocaleros in Cochabamba, Bolivia at a protest to reform the UN Single Convention (Andean Information Network) To read this article ...
Reforming the Global Drug-Control System: The Stakes for Washington

Reforming the Global Drug-Control System: The Stakes for Washington

The extent to which the ongoing drug-control reforms across the Americas are pushing the boundaries of the global legal framework ...
Immigration and U.S. Policy: Making the Connections

Immigration and U.S. Policy: Making the Connections

U.S. journalist David Bacon’s new book on immigration begins with stench. Since the 1990s the Granjas Carroll de México company ...
Pioneering Cannabis Regulation in Uruguay

Pioneering Cannabis Regulation in Uruguay

Marchers with the banner "Cultivate Your Rights" in May 2012, Montevideo, Uruguay (Carolina Poggi) In December 2013, about a year ...