U.S. Role in Honduras Narco-State Absent from President’s Drug Trial | Under the Shadow Update 3...
Former president Juan Orlando Hernández has been convicted of drug trafficking. The United States and Canada remain unaccountable ...

2009 Honduras: Legacy of a Coup | Under the Shadow, Ep. 7, Part II
The 2009 coup ratcheted up the sell-off of land and resources, enabled state-sponsored drug trafficking and corruption, and fueled a ...

USS Honduras | Under the Shadow, Ep. 6
Often overlooked in the story of U.S. imperialism in Central America, Honduras has served as a training base and staging ...

El Salvador: The Innocent Victims | Under the Shadow, Ep. 4
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration poured billions of dollars into El Salvador's military to crush the left-wing FMLN, littering ...